The planner must first deal with the problem they are investigating. “To be relevant, the planning process must identify and address not only current issues that matter to residents, workers, landowners and business professionals, but also emerging issues that will be important in the future.” [6] In general, planners determine community affairs by involving a variety of community leaders, community organizations and ordinary citizens. Prime Minister Gati Shakti will include infrastructure projects from various ministries and state governments such as Bharatmala, Sagarmala, inland waterways, dry/land ports, UDAN, etc. Economic zones such as textile clusters, pharmaceuticals, defence corridors, electronic parks, industrial corridors, fishing clusters and agricultural areas will be covered to improve connectivity and make Indian businesses more competitive. It will also make extensive use of technologies, including spatial planning tools with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) imagery developed by BiSAG-N (Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geoinformatics). More details about the plan can be found here. Overall planning typically follows a planning process that includes eight different steps. By following this process, planners can identify a variety of interrelated issues affecting an urban area. Each step can be seen as interdependent, and often planners will revise the order to best suit their needs and wants.

In California, the master plan (also known as the comprehensive plan in other states) is a document that contains a long-term plan for the physical development of a city. [8] Local jurisdictions have the freedom to choose what their general plans include, but there are certain requirements under California law that any general plan must meet; Otherwise, future development could be suspended. [8] Any master plan must include the city or county`s vision, goals, and goals in terms of planning and development in eight different state-defined “elements”: land use, housing, traffic, nature conservation, noise, safety, open space, and environmental justice (added as an official element in 2016). [9] [10] In states where local governments do not require comprehensive planning, state governments tend to provide many incentives to promote the process at the local level. In Georgia, for example, the state government is encouraging many local governments to develop comprehensive development management plans. Today, almost every county in Georgia has voluntarily developed a plan. The result can be a policy document, a construction application or a construction. It is important to continue to consult with all stakeholders during this process. The end result should embody its underlying societal values and include economic, cultural and social values. A master plan is a long-term dynamic planning document that provides a conceptual layout for future growth and development. General planning is about linking buildings, social environments and their environment. A master plan contains analyses, recommendations and proposals for the population, economy, housing, transport, utilities and land use of a site.

It is based on public inputs, surveys, planning initiatives, existing development, physical characteristics, and social and economic conditions. General planning can take on some or all of these roles: people inhabit spaces and engage with their environment in complex ways that go beyond the purely physical and vary according to age, gender, social class, race, religion, economic status, and even general attitude. It is therefore important to understand the context of a master plan both socially and narratively, as well as in terms of physical and economic outcomes. The Community must adopt the plan as an official political declaration before it can enter into force. This is usually done through municipal council and public hearings. City council may choose not to adopt the plan, which would require planners to fine-tune the work they did in previous stages. Once accepted by city officials, the plan is a legal statement of community policy regarding future development. In 1898, Ebenezer Howard published his book entitled “Tomorrow, a Peaceful Path to Reform”, in which he developed the idea of a garden city.

This town was a planned development that included various land uses and communal services. Communities should be surrounded by a green belt and include plenty of open space and parks in the city. These cities were designed to be completely self-sufficient and focused on reducing the negative impact of traditional cities on people`s lives. Although these cities were considered utopian ideas, two cities were eventually built with this vision in mind, Letchworth and Welwyn, England. Ebenezer Howard`s vision has greatly influenced the idea of urban planning in the United States for decades, contributing to the development of the idea that cities need to plan globally for growth. Since urban renewal initiatives tend to be long-term proposals, it is important to view the master plan as a dynamic document that can change over time due to changing project conditions. For example, in the case of the Santiago restocking programme described in this volume, the urban master plan was amended 29 times during the implementation phase.